Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Discontented soul!!

We live in a time when life is so comfortable.When I was a young boy ,life was not so convienent though my parents were financially fine .My mother used to get up early although she never was a morning person, made us ready for school,made breakfast and lunch for everyone and would rush to her work.When she would comeback even though so tired had to do all the household chores,fix supper for everyone,make bed and finally retire to sleep and next day again the same cycle. She seemed to me a very contented person.I sometime wonder how she felt about her life!
Today if I peek into a couple's life-Both husband and wife are equally well educated as well as competitively earning.Work stress is huge.The wife is tired enough to cook or do anyother household chores. We have so many electrical machines around us to help out. We can easily hire maids though that is another stress to deal with.Cost of life is going higher as our desires are.To fulfil them we need more sources that means more stress.
What compels me to think is -Are we  more happier than our parents ?
 Does this means ;more money more happiness?
Do we feel contented when we know we have more money than somebody Mr X or Mr Y?
Not much older times, probably 15-20 years back not everyone was thriving to become famous and rich. People would just work because that's what they believe in and some day they would become famous and rich too. But now our actions are driven by the desire to become famous. Money is indeed a requirement but then to have it surplus is just a non-ending desire.Its like a burning logs of fire which demands more and more .
We used to read in our books,  stories  about one greedy man who yearns to make more and more  money and moral of the story  would be to stay contented. But it looks like those stories don't make anysense anymore.
Children don't behave like kids anymore. They have become immature adults with a desire to shoot to fame as early as possible. They r not even capable of handling fame,limelight and money.The stress  of behaving so maturely makes their minds fragile. Any blow of failure or one false decision strays them away.Is it fair with them?
Human beings have always been on a journey to look for a peaceful and more contented life but it looks like these days everybody has forgotten this approach of life. We consider money and materialistic charms to be the source of happiness but is it true?

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